
Suwen is a knowledge sharing based online Q&A platform targeting audiences in the whole supply chain of the plastic and chemical industry, with the mission of achieving technological innovation to shape the future through knowledge sharing.

Suwen makes the sharing of technology-related contents possible by connecting people online, and ultimately support the SMEs in this sector to improve their profitability through provision of solution services at the corporate level, promote highly efficient distribution of scientific and technological knowledge, and drive the industry’s next generation innovation.

Suwen is committed to connecting the people involved in the plastic and chemical supply chain by fostering a community.

Users of Suwen are the most creative community in the plastic and chemical industry, ranging from upstream manufacturers, machinery manufacturers, and accessories manufacturers to downstream manufacturers and commercial brands. Majority are technical engineers of the plastic and chemical technologies.

Suwen Experts are industry professionals active on Suwen, who are technology gurus, resources masters, professors and experts, innovation geniuses from research institutes, higher education institutions and businesses in the industry. They are in the know-how of technologies, either on the theoretical or the practical level.What’s more, they are passionate about sharing.

The Corporate Section on Suwen is the dedicated area to companies related to material, machinery, manufacturing and services in the plastic and chemical industry. Suwen users can use the technology Q&A function to set up direct links with the corporate users. Corporate users may provide their technical services on this platform to potential target customers, develop a technology-driven market image and gain access to market opportunities.

Who are the people using Suwen?

These are the professionals from the whole supply chain in the plastic and chemical industry, who are registered users that accept and agree all the Terms and Conditions of Suwen as well as all the other terms of service and regulations on posting questions, as well as those making enquiries and using the paid services with the Suwen Experts.

You can choose from the free and paid services to make an enquiry. The paid ones include the options of “One-to-One Enquiry with Experts” and “Reward-offering Enquiry”.

Free enquiry,Free
One-to-One Enquiry with Experts,RMB 39-3999
Reward-offering Enquiry,RMB 9-999

Does Suwen charge any fee on the Q&A services?

5% service fee will be deducted from all the successful transaction of the paid services by Suwen. This will be used to cover the running cost of the platform.

What’s the work flow of the Reward-offering Enquiry?

1 User offers a reward for response to an enquiry.
2 User pays to Suwen.
3 Suwen approves and make the enquiry public.
4 Expert answers the enquiry.
5 User rates on the response.
6 Provided user’s satisfaction, reward goes to the account of the Expert, which can be cashed at any point by the Expert.

Can I withdraw a Reward-offering Enquiry?

Yes, provided the enquiry is yet to be responded. However, a user can withdraw one enquiry only on any calendar day (00:00-24:00).​

Is the response to a Reward-offering Enquiry kept confidential?

It will only be made public with the permissions of both the user making the enquiry and the expert responding to it. Otherwise, the answer will be made “View after pay”, which means other users can access the response after paying a certain fee. ​

How is the income from “View after pay” split?

After 5% service charge by Suwen is deducted, the income will be split 50-50 between the user who made the enquiry and the expert who responded. ​

How is Intellectual Property defined?

The Intellectual Property of the enquiry and its response(s) belongs to the users who have paid for the services. By agreeing to the Terms of Conditions of Suwen, users grant exclusive and free Intellectual Property to Suwen for all the information published on Suwen, with the exception of rights of authorship, posting and modification (including but not limited to rights to copy, publish, lease, exhibit, perform, screen, broadcast, circulate online, film, adapt, translate and edit and other transferrable rights belonging to the author), and agree that Suwen is entitled to take legal actions of any form in its name to protect its legal rights and will receive all the compensations incurred. Suwen and any party permitted by Suwen have the right to use or co-use with other parties all the information posted on Suwen in the media including but not limited to the Internet, Wechat, e-magazines, magazines, and publications. ​

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